
måndag 18 april 2011

Eyes, Mouths,ears and noses

Here's some sketches on various things seen on the face. I have been sitting and checking up tutorials and learning from them since the parts on the face is something i find hard to draw.

Tutorials used:

(comments will come up later.... )

måndag 11 april 2011

Sketches for Maya modeling

The realistic face and fantasy-character face was done.

Not much to say i guess, The realistic face took not quite as long time to do from the side as the front. Also modified the front view a bit with the eyes. It all fell on 2h.

Not seen here on the drawings is that i made realistic head on one paper and the fantasy on another. And drew lines to mark height of eyes and mouth etc... To make them equally high on the paper.

This man is a old veteran who has a really damaged body after working with construction. He's now 69 years old and just happy overall. Not seen here is that he got a tattoo on his left hand.


Approximate working time (Total): 2 hours & 10 mins. The 10 mins of working was the hair.

And then it was time for the fantasy character.
This one was rather more fun to draw up then the realistic one, since you can go wild how much you want with the pencil.
Though the only requirement was to make it proportional like the realistic face.Which was pretty easy.
I felt really happy about it (: .

Total working time: 1 hour ( + 15 minutes on increased horns and beard( not yet scanned)).



Head in perspective

I'm not sure we had to do this one, but i made it anyway. This is a head in perspective. Yet again for school.

I worked with it for 1hour and 50 mins. And whatever i did, i couldn't do it better then this. I'm sure those extra 10 mins are meaningless now.
However, i'm really satisfied with how i did the nose. Considering i've always had troubles with them. The rest is pretty much not what i had in mind. And i did this on the end of the weekend so i blame myself for not knowing better. I feel that i should probably remake this after we've learned about the ear, mouth and nose better.

Here it is:

onsdag 6 april 2011

Hakurei Reimu and school

For today i've made this much, both a own drawing (Of Hakurei Reimu, from Touhou Project) and a drawing for 3D modeling in school (Scroll down a bit).

The school assignment was to draw a image of a character they gave us description of, and implement it in Maya later on.... A.k.a an "Imageplane". Used to see how the model should look like from different sides.

The left one is barely done. Need to add more details and perhaps improve the eyes to make him look more oldish like he should.

Approximate working time (so far):1 hour 40 mins

tisdag 5 april 2011

Stuff found while cleaning

This is some stuff i found by cleaning my apartment room:

 Remilia looks pretty weird here...

Drawn i Photoshop with the Tablet, Just trying out if i can draw Chibi art too!

måndag 4 april 2011

New assignment - Skulls

Next up was an assignment about drawing skulls, and the head overall. But first off, Skulls

A rather challenging one, I like to draw skulls but i haven't looked very close on them. I learned lots of new structures on the skull i didn't know in my drawings before. Like how the cheek bone is drawn on paper in different angles, and how it actually looks like. A very interesting part that made my skulls more realistic.

The hard part with the skull was getting the height and width pretty normal and standard (anatomy). My two skulls on the top of the first image is either too width on or too high

Anyway here they are:

söndag 3 april 2011

Essay Stuff for school

Yup, i got done with the school stuff i was gonna do today. I feel relieve

Here they are:

 The one i had sketched before, Shaded!
Felt satisfied with this one, I don't usually draw characters or poses like this and felt that i hit the spot.
  I'm used to shading so i don't feel like it's much to discuss, i'm just satisfied to be short.
Approximate work time: 2 hours

Start on the female character, take notice on the help lines for angleing the shoulders,
hips and feet. It was great help for me when figuring out a pose.
 Shaping up the female with volume.
 Starting to get more volume added by the shadows
  Added some more shades and hair. Something that was modified over and over again
And done!
 Approximate work time: 1.5 hours (Got used to drawing proportionally)

Weekend ends

It is the end of the weekend and i sit down to finish up my drawings for the character modeling class. I realize that i have to draw two detailed, proportional drawings of one man and one woman. Shaded and in a angled camera view (forgot name of it, brain ain't on top today) for tomorrow. But i'm not stressed, because i find it fun now when i've trained on drawing muscles and bones. I knew shading from the start of the year, so it was not a big thing to practice on. However, as usual i find the proportions hard to work out.

Here's the stuff i got so far since last update:

First one i worked with
 Yes i suck at drawing faces, the body will be better but not the faces

 Better Shading beneath

 Still don't knew how to draw a butt : D
 Yup, a whole page of doodles
 The one i consider a  final result on my detailed male, Version with shading will come.

First proportional character i did for the character modeling class

Made a skeleton for practicing drawing bones